The Local Offer
The Local Offer provides children (from birth to 25) with special education needs or disability (SEND) and their families a central hub for accessing information and services in the local area. Schools and settings are required to provide their own local offer, outlining the provision and support they offer to children with SEND. Below contains information about Meadow Nursery’s Local Offer and a link which will take you directly to our page. If you have any questions regarding our Local Offer or the support we provide, please contact Kelly Parker, the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator.
Q1. How does the setting identify children with additional needs or SEND?
We observe, monitor and evaluate to get to know our children and their families extremely well using the following methods: Initial information from Registration and Admission Forms, Home Visits and Pre-start visits Daily/Sessional information sharing between parent(s) and keyworker/staff. Staff Communication books to inform and alert all staff of any changes/needs. Ongoing Keyworker relationships with parents and child. Ongoing detailed Keyworker observations. Liaison with outside professional agencies, childminders and/or previous settings, as applicable. In addition, the following documents are used to aid us gain a full picture of the child: Practitioner’s Early Years Development Journal. Two-years check form (I am 2) – completed by keyworker, or child’s child-minder and any information from family’s Health Visitor, if applicable. Individual Speech, Language and Communication Progress Monitoring sheet (ECAT)/ Language tracker. Early Years Learning goals as laid out in the Early Years Outcomes.
Q2. How will I be informed/consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?
We will keep you regularly updated with your child’s progress and how he/she is being supported using the following methods:
Discussion with Keyworker and Senco (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)/Manager on a regular basis.
Developmental records and Individual Learning Plans.
Communication books or Home Diaries, if applicable.
Through involvement with families in completing a Common Assessment Framework form, if applicable.
Advice and strategies on how parents can support their children at home, and extend what is being implemented within the Nursery setting.
Q3. How will the setting adapt the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for my child’s needs?
We will aim to adapt the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in the following ways:
Through working closely with the child at their individual developmental level and stage, at their own pace.
Through the use of Individual Learning Plans and centering on the child’s individual Prime and Specific Learning Goals as detailed in ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Resources will be accessed and implemented and adaptions made to activities, as and when needed.
EVERY child in our setting is treated individually, and included in all learning experiences, at their own pace.
Q4. What teaching strategies does the setting use for children with additional needs or learning difficulties?
Teaching strategies used include:
Building a close relationship with Keyworker/staff, and with the child’s 1:1 Support Assistant where applicable.
Small group sized activities, and/or 1:1 sessions where applicable.
Visual prompts.
Visual timetable.
Visual choice cards.
Sand timers to allow the child a visual way of measuring how long they need to wait in turn-taking.
Time warnings before changes/transition times within routine.
Sensory toys and resources.
Use of puppets and persona dolls.
Quiet, calm area for when children are distressed, over-stimulated or simply requiring a rest.
Distraction techniques, using resources and toys of interest to child.
Makaton signing, where applicable. All staff have been on basic Makaton training and this can be refreshed or more training attended, as and when needed.
Allowing the child time to process what has been asked or said to him/her.
Q5. What additional support does the setting provide for children with additional needs or SEND?
Additional support is provided in the following ways:
High adult:child staff ratios, and 1:1 support if necessary.
Specialist equipment sourced and implemented, if needed.
Additional daily Speech and Language/Phonics sessions, based on advice given by the child’s Speech and Language Therapist, where applicable.
Liaison with other professionals and/or other settings, if necessary – in consultation with parents.
Advice and strategies given by Early Years Inclusion Advisor.
Advice and strategies given by Educational Psychologist Services, where necessary.
Specialist resources are sources and implemented, where necessary.
Access to Local Authority advice and support.
We have built an outside classroom that is specifically used for small group work, speech and language sessions and a chill out space if needed.
Q6. How will the setting monitor my child’s progress and how will I be involved in this?
We monitor children’s progress and involve parents in the following ways:
Regular discussion between keyworkers, staff, Manager and Senco, plus other Professionals where applicable.
Practitioner’s Early Years Development Journal.
Two-years check form (I am 2) – completed by keyworker, or child’s child-minder and any information from family’s Health Visitor, if applicable.
Individual Speech, Language and Communication Progress Monitoring sheet (ECAT)/ Language tracker.
Individual Learning Plans.
Regularly reviewing ‘Next Steps’ and amending them as progress is made.
Q7. How do you ensure children with additional needs or SEND can be included in the same activities as other children, including trips?
Children with SEND are included in learning activities and trips, in the following ways:
Additional training, where needed.
Additional resources sourced, transported and implemented.
Adapting activities as and when needed.
Risk assessments undertaken – both for setting and for trips out.
Careful preparation for change – ie. possible pre-visits for trips, to boost familiarity and minimise distress of change, if needed.
Portable strategies and resources for trips out.
Medication considerations taken into account for trips out.
Smaller groups involved and peer support encouraged for trips out.
All children are included in our activities and trips, regardless of needs involved.
Q8. How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?
Our building is accessible to children with mobility difficulties in the following ways:
Nursery building is purpose-built, and all on one level.
Parking, although on the road outside, can be accessed approximately 20 meters away.
Access to Nursery building is via a large ramp and wide double opening door.
Disabled toilet available, with wide, outward opening door, and handle supports, which also includes purpose-built changing facilities.
Internal furniture is child friendly, portable/adaptable, size-appropriate and at wheelchair height.
Q9. How will you support my child’s transition to a new setting or school?
Each child’s transition to a new setting or school will be supported by:
Visits to feeder school ahead of start date.
Offering to have new school staff/teachers come to us for transitional meetings with child.
Stringently trying to arrange transition visits to schools – other than feeder school – we will always attempt to set up consultation meetings with schools so that your child’s needs will be met.
Arranging transitional/information-sharing meetings between new school, where available, and the parents, Nursery keyworker and Senco/Manager – including Outside Professionals in these meetings, were appropriate.
Creating a photo album of the new school during visits, where applicable.
Home Corner being set up as ‘school’.
Introducing stories about starting school in our normal repertoire of group stories.
Q10. How does the setting assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers take part in this evaluation?
We regularly assess our overall effectiveness of our SEN provision by:
The use of Questionnaires/Parent feedback forms, daily/regular discussion between keyworkers/staff and parents.
Parent meetings – parents are involved right from the start of their child’s journey – this has given us very positive feedback, and several ex-parents still return to us for advice and support.
Annual SEN (Special Educational Needs) audit.
SEF – Self-Evaluation forms.
Regular reviews of our Special Educational Needs Policies.
Feedback from Ofsted Inspections.
Q11. Who should I contact if I am considering registering a place at the setting?
To register a place with our setting, contact should be made with Sarah Rea - Admissions Officer or Debbie Hill – Manager.
They can be contacted on – Nursery telephone no: 0118 9790284.
Or by email, on:
Q12. What arrangements does the setting have for feedback from parents / carers, including compliments and complaints?
Feedback about our setting is gathered in the following ways:
General, regular Questionnaires.
Leavers’ Questionnaires.
Confidential discussion to deal with complaints - grievances are dealt with appropriately and timely.
Strict Complaints Procedure – formal complaints should initially be put forward to Debbie Hill, Nursery Manager; if satisfaction is not achieved, then to Jo Hargreaves, Committee Chair and finally, if the issue is still not resolved, to Ofsted.